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Book Launch – Dr. Patrick Bresnihan, Assistant Professor in Environmental Geography, Discipline of Geography

April 2016

Congratulations to Dr. Patrick Bresnihan on the publication of his book, “Transforming the Fisheries: Neoliberalism, Nature, and the Commons”. A book launch and seminar by Dr. Bresnihan  to mark publication will take place on Thursday, 21st April, 5-7pm, in M4, Museum Building.  This is part of the ‘Distinguished Lecturers in Geography’ series. 

All  staff and students are welcome and admission is free, but registration is essential for catering purposes. For registration and further information, please visit the eventbrite listing
Wine will be served in the Freeman Library in the Museum Building, 6-7pm.

Dr. Bresnihan’s work draws from political ecology, science and technology studies, and anthropology. His current research interests are the commons, energy and the 'green economy'.